Easter Egg locations remain safe, says Bunny spokesperson

Polish pisanki photo courtesy of Jarosław Pocztarski's Flickr photostreamReports surfaced late today that the Easter Bunny had a minor incident while hiding the last of his eggs during his traditional Easter mission.

Every year the Easter Bunny travels the world hiding brightly colored eggs and baskets with goodies for children to discover on Easter morning.

“It would be a tragedy if the locations of all the eggs and baskets were disclosed,” said an anonymous parent representing a children’s rights group.

Unfortunately it appears that the Easter Bunny had stored all of his data and maps of where his eggs were placed in one basket.

Easter Bunny and eggsFortunately Naked Security was able to reach a spokesperson for the Easter Bunny, who assured us that the locations of the treats were fully encrypted on Mr. Bunny’s netbook.

“The Easter Bunny takes the joy of children seriously, and despite the loss of his maps, Easter will proceed normally,” said the spokesperson.

Creative Commons image of Polish pisanki (eggs) courtesy of Jarosław Pocztarski’s Flickr photostream.