The cause isn't yet clear, but more than 36 hours after Microsoft disrupted dynamic DNS hosting for millions of users, service reportedly remained down for many, and the main website was also unavailable.
No-IP users continue to post tweets such as this one and this one saying service is still down. No-IP representatives on Tuesday evening reported coming under a denial-of-service attack but went on to suggest it had no relation to continuing problems with domain name resolution, which Microsoft took over a day earlier under a highly controversial court order issued in a botnet takedown action.
"Please note the DDOS attack was only directed at our website, not to our DNS infrastructure," No-IP representatives wrote in a twitter message posted around 5pm California time. In a separate tweet about an hour earlier, they said Microsoft's claims that service was restored Tuesday morning were not true. The No-IP website was unavailable at the time this article was being prepared, and a spokeswoman didn't respond to an e-mail requesting comment. The spokeswoman has reportedly indicated Microsoft's attempts to restore service to legitimate users have been ineffective.
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